is an initiative by the Bastrop Chamber of Commerce begun in December 2015 by our Governmental Affairs Committee. It is intended to be a resource for fair, impartial, and insightful information about candidates running for local elected offices.
The purpose of this website is to “Promote the Vote” in Bastrop County. We do this in 3 ways:
1.) actively register citizens to vote,
2.) conduct candidate forums so citizens can see and hear from candidates themselves, and
3.) we utilize this website to have a biographic information, questionnaires, headshots, and contact information for candidates running for office assembled all in one location for the voter.
Advocacy is of utmost importance to the Bastrop Chamber of Commerce, the largest business association in the Bastrop County! We represent nearly 800 members and 14,000 jobs through our membership. Chambers of Commerce have authority under state and federal law to represent our members in public policy debates. We may lobby and take positions on actual or proposed legislation. Chambers may legally endorse candidates for public office and/or ballot propositions. The Bastrop Chamber of Commerce has historically not endorsed political candidates and will not be using this website to do so.
The Bastrop Chamber of Commerce realizes it is an exciting time to be a part of Bastrop County and the Central Texas! We continue to see both new challenges and new opportunities as economic growth in Bastrop County propels us forward into new waters. These times are dynamic and call for us to be more diligent in working together as we advocate for the needs of our business community and our county as a whole.
In 1922, our founding fathers began with the motto, a “Bigger Better Bastrop” and we continue that today throughout Bastrop County. Come join us!
–Becki Womble, CCE IOM